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Shop Gut Health & Immunity Supplements

IB Defense
Our most popular gut health supplement for relief from bloating, irregular bowel movements & nutrient deficiency.

Give your immune system the boost it needs to operate optimally & supercharge your gut at the same time.
Lose the bloat, extract the nutrients
What is Phytate?
Phytate, is a digestive resistant compound found in many plants, including grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. These make up many of the ingredients in our favourite foods such as bread, pasta, cereal and peanut butter. Although we see these as healthy foods, our gut struggles to digest them and in-turn we suffer in the form of bloating, irregular bowel movements and unknown nutrient deficiency.

Phytate blocks essential micronutrients from being available to the human body.

Phytase helps to release phytate bonds, promoting nutrient absorption and bioavailability.