While it does a great job of protecting plants from being eaten before they have a chance to sprout, phytate binds to essential minerals and prevents human bodies from absorbing them. This can lead to issues like bloating, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies, even if you're eating a nutrient-rich diet.

Transform your health
by optimizing both nutrition and digestion

IB Defense
Your first line of defense for gut health.
IB Defense breaks down phytate, allowing your body to fully digest food and absorb essential vitamins and minerals, leaving you energized and revitalized.

Empower your immune system.
Immunity combines the phytase enzyme with zinc and iron to break down phytate, ensuring your body absorbs the essential nutrients needed to stay strong and resilient.
Supplementation is one thing, absorption is another
What is Phytate?
Phytate, also known as an anti-nutrient, is a natural compound found in many plant-based foods, including grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. It is also found in any food made from these, such as bread, pasta, cereal, peanut butter, etc. Many of us are consuming high amounts of phytate without even realizing it!

Phytate blocks essential micronutrients from being available to the human body.

Phytase helps to release phytate bonds, promoting nutrient absorption and bioavailability.